If that’s just for a village house, less than 10 rooms, there isn’t very strict concrete requirement, and you have enough time to build it, JZC series, JZM series drum concrete mixers are okay, and they are portable machine.
If you don’t have good electric power supply, JZR series diesel engine concrete mixer is good choice, meanwhile JZR has tyres, they can move.
If you have small projects, totally need 20,000m3 concrete more or less, JS500 and JS750 are best choice. They are cheap, and also easily be installed and uninstalled.
If you already have one small concrete batching plant, the mixer is broken or old type, we suggest JS or YJS series twin-shaft concrete mixers. After all twin-shaft concrete mixers are mainstream now in the world.
Contact us for more details.
Email: sales@cndasion.com
Tel: +86 15093371337